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Various classifications of foreign trade

1, from the direction of movement of goods, it can be divided into three types of trade:
(1) export trade: a country transports products produced and processed to other markets for sale, said Is export trade;
(2) import trade: a country imports foreign goods into its own market for sale, which is called import trade;
(3) transit trade: goods exported by one country to another country go through a third country Frontiers, for third countries, are transit trade (Dongguan hardware gimmicks know that HK is the world's largest free trade port).
Trade balance: The difference between a country's export value and its import value in a certain period.
Trade balance: export value = import value.
Trade surplus: export value is greater than import value.
The trade deficit: The value of exports is less than the value of imports.
2, divided by national borders and customs borders, it can be divided into:
(1) total trade: based on national borders, import (everyone entering the border is imported) and export (everyone leaving the border is exported ), Dongguan hardware buns know that the countries that use this standard include the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, the CIS countries and Eastern European countries; Entry into the country, those who do not enter the customs can not be included in imports. Therefore, when foreign goods enter the country's borders, they are temporarily stored in bonded warehouses and have not yet entered the customs territory, and are not classified as imports. Only goods that enter the customs territory from abroad and that are put forward from bonded warehouses are included in imports. Among the major developed market economy countries, this classification method is used: Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and so on.
3. According to the content of goods (trade in goods, trade in services, trade in intellectual property rights), according to the mode of transport of goods (land trade, sea trade, air trade, mail order trade).
4. There are several trade methods that are not commonly used, so I won't mention them. (Direct trade, simple trade, re-export trade, etc.)
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